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Sharon with her Mother and/or Dad




1954 - Sharon with her Mum - and Sharon is about a month old - September 1954

1954 - And here they are again - in this shot Sharon is now two to three months old - late 1954

1957 - And here are three generations of the "Coudrey and Knowles / Matheson Families" - Sharon is with her Grandparents Jock and Gertrude Knowles / Matheson, and her Parents Ron and Laurel Coudrey, and all her Brother and Sisters .........."what a happy lot we are in this shot" ...... "this one is amazing - a very miserable lot"

1972 - Sharon with her Mother and Dad - family photo taken at Lesley and Jon's Wedding - Sharon was a Bridesmaid - and it also includes Lesley, Laurence, Knowlton, and Fiona who was also a Bridesmaid - 15th July 1972 ..........Lesley and Jon's Wedding

1975 - Sharon with Mother and Dad - three photos - April 1975

1975 - Sharon with her Mother (and Sharon is nursing ???) - Sharon is 6/7 months pregnant with Tanya, who was born in November - 22nd August 1975 ..........Sharon's 21st Birthday

1979 - The "New Mother" with Her Mother!!! - Brett had just been born - this shot was taken at the hospital - February 1979 ..........nice picture

1984 - Sharon with her Mother and Dad - taken during their trip to Cairns - April 1984 ..........terrific photo

1984 - Sharon, Geoff, Tanya (in her Brownies' uniform), Brett - with Mother and Dad - April 1984

1987 - Sharon, Tanya and Brett - with Mother and Dad - Christmas 1987 ..........nice picture

1987 - Sharon, Mother, Fiona, Lesley and Kathleen - at the Christmas Dinner table - Christmas 1987

1990 - Sharon and Mother - in Cairns - June 1990

1990 - Sharon, Mother, Tanya and Brett - at the baseball fields in Cairns - June 1990 ..........good photo

1999 - Sharon with her Mum - November 1999


