A portrait of Tanya - out to dinner
In an "old fashioned hot pants suit" - 15th December 1999..........Sharon used to wear this, after she bought it 31 years ago in 1971!!!
Her 24th Birthday - 9th November 1999 - she went out to dinner with a group of friends - and they went to a restaurant at which Geoff's nephew was the chef (Terry's son, Bradley) - they were well looked after!!! - we joined them later to have a drink and give Tanya her present (a vacuum cleaner!!!) - Bradley's wife/girlfriend (?) Simone also attended
..........Brett, Bradley, Simone, Geoff, Sharon - with the Birthday Girl at the front
..........Brett, Tanya, Bradley and Simone
..........Simone, Tanya and Bradley
New Years Eve - ready to celebrate 1999 to the Year 2000!!! ..........a nice photo